Disclaimer: The Village Counsellor/AJ Bettison is not formally connected to any of the following links and services, but I am involved as a volunteer with some of the charities listed. This information is offered as signposting to support that may be useful, and is not intended as a personal recommendation or endorsement.
Counselling and Support in Orkney
Blide Trust is a voluntary organisation offering services for people with mental health problems and their carers across Orkney. Offers a drop-in service open daily; and support with e.g. housing and financial matters, as well as counselling and community support.
Cruse Bereavement Scotland provides professional support for bereaved adults, children and families across Scotland, including counselling support online and by phone, or web-based chat service Griefchat.
ORSAS provides free and confidential information and support for anyone (age 13 and over) in Orkney affected by any form of sexual violence.
Relationships Scotland Orkney provides a range of confidential counselling, mediation and family support services free of charge. We also offer a Child Contact Centre where parents can meet children they no longer live with.
Right There offers counselling in Orkney for young people up to the age of 25. To reach the local team text or call 07770 019147 or email y-talk@rightthere.org
Soma's Light is working together to promote mental health and well-being of young people in Orkney, raise awareness of support available for those touched by suicide and to raise funds to support access to specialist counselling services.
Vital Talk is a small local charity that has the support of several local church organisations. It is now well established as a local provider of general counselling. A unique aspect of the service is that Christian Counselling is also available.
Women's Aid Orkney provides free and confidential support to women and children affected by domestic abuse.
Counsellors and Psychotherapists in Cambridge
Bryony Vickers works in Cambridge and online, and has a particular interest in supporting people in the perinatal time. As well as 1:1 counselling and therapy, she offers mentoring and support sessions for mothers.
Jim Holloway has worked as a counsellor in Cambridge for over 20 years, specialising in therapy with men. He also provides supervision for all kinds of practitioners in the helping professions.
Isabelle Dolis is an experienced integrative psychologist/ therapist and has worked in mental health and counselling for over ten years, both in the charity sector and privately.